On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 12:47:34PM +0100, Robert Alessi wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't connect to my BigBlueButton instance from firefox-esr.  More
> precisely, I only get a solid dark blue screen right after I join my
> own room.
> As I got the exact same results with Ididium, I first suspected this
> might be related to pledge/unveil.  So I followed the intructions
> provided in pkg-readmes/firefox-esr to disable temporarily pledge and
> unveil support.  As this attempt was unsuccessful, I immediately
> reverted to the default settings.
> I also tried to disable the firewall.
> Audio and video recording are enabled and otherwise work perfectly,
> but I suspect the problem lies elsewhere for Jitsi works fine, as does
> Matrix form app.element.io.  I was even able to use Zoom without
> having to enable WASM!  But I need to use BBB for my work.  From the
> 6.9 Changelog, I believe BBB should work out of the box but I can't
> figure out what's causing the problem on my system.  Unless others
> experience the same issue?[1]

I'm not a Big Blue Button user but visiting the URL below with
Chromium and WebAssembly disabled does show some WebAssembly-related
error messages on the developer console (press F12 to access that
console). So probably it's related to WebAssembly after all.


> Any help would be much appreciated.
> -- Robert
> Footnote:
> [1]  FI, BBB can be tested here: https://test.bigbluebutton.org

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