According to the docs :

> A random value (within the legal range) may be obtained by using    the ‘~’ 
> character in a field.

However I've been running release versions of OpenBSD with the following 

~       ~       ~       *       * /my/task/goes/here && /usr/bin/logger -t foo 
"Task done"

Feb 18 18:09:01 foobar foo: Task done
Mar 18 18:09:01 foobar foo: Task doneMar 24 23:42:01 foobar foo: Task doneApr 
20 11:41:01 foobar foo: Task doneMay 16 18:24:01 foobar foo: Task doneJun  6 
17:24:01 foobar foo: Task doneJul  6 17:24:01 foobar foo: Task doneAug  6 
17:24:01 foobar foo: Task doneSep  6 17:24:01 foobar foo: Task doneOct  6 
17:24:01 foobar foo: Task doneOct 31 08:44:01 foobar foo: Task doneNov 19 
12:02:01 foobar foo: Task doneDec 19 12:02:02 foobar foo: Task done

Surely it would be clutching at straws to describe an event happening at 
exactly the same time 5 months in a row (Jun–Oct) as genuinely statistically 
random ?  The same with Nov & Dec.

Especially given three of my crontab fields are supposed to be random (minute, 
hour, day-of-month) I would expect to see at least one of the three to be 
different ?!?

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