Hi all,

I was trying to do a basic path rewrite in httpd(8) on 7.2-stable, and I just 
can't see what I'm missing:

server "host" {
        listen on egress port 12345

        root "/htdocs"

        location "/" {
                request rewrite "/to/"
        location "/*" {
                directory auto index

Using http://host:12345/ slaps me with 500:

server_response: rewrote /? -> /to/?
"GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 0
, /to/ (500 Internal Server Error)

Accessing http://host:12345/to/ directly works, however:

"GET /to/ HTTP/1.1" 200 538
"GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 0
, /favicon.ico (404 Not Found)

I though maybe it was iffy because of the location containing only a slash (/), 
but using anything else like...:
        location "/from/" {
                request rewrite "/to/"

... gives 500 too when accessing http://host:12345/from/
Tried playing around with (adding/removing) the trailing '/' from the paths, 
but still no luck. I even tried the example at the end of httpd.conf(5) with 
"location match" and pattern/captures, but still the same.

But "request rewrite" must be clearly working somehow, I just can't see what's 

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


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