Hello Misc

I have used OpenBSD, Slackware and Debian for almost 23 years, just as a
User! But i think that Linux is a Linus Kernel with many app; and OpenBSD
is a complete OS, then the Administration in Linux could be Test and
Error, but in OpenBSD must be on the base of know what you are doing! It
means one have to learn properly!

I am curios about this Learning Pure OpenBSD project at ircnow.org!

The basic idea is to pay for a qualified Server to host certain number of
VMs for exclusive porpose to learn pure OpenBSD.

I am able to pay for 1 server, but i know OpenBSD just as a user; my field
is Agriculture!

This information is for Theo and openbsd team; if you think it could be
useful, please tell me; if there is not interest, please excuse the noise.


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