On Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 06:43:02PM +0100, l...@netc.fr wrote:
> hello
> unfortunately since a week I was wondering about something :
> on two old hp elitebook, it looks like under win7 and linux/LMDE, that at a 
> general glance everything looks correct
> but on openbsd, something happens, even if CPU is not high : it's a huge 
> overheating, with fans going almost everytime in the high speed, and lower 
> case of the laptop, almost burning (in a way it's really warm, impossible to 
> get it a minute on laps)
> I saw the same problem on an asus laptop.
> is there anyway to know where it come from?
> openbsd v7.1
> under win7 and linux (lmde5), this problem doesnt happens. It's really 
> strange.
> thak you for ideas

man sendbug

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