The people on clang architectures need to know that the gcc systems are different, that different decisions have been made. Education is way
more important than consistancy.

I'm all for being educated about differences between architectures. I think the current manual pages don't achieve it in this particular regard. They don't, as far as I see, mention anywhere that there even *are* gcc systems as opposed to clang systems. I've only learned about it from this mailing list and from blog entries by Frederic Cambus.

This manual page is not hurting you.

It does cause confusion (e.g. I see no way to find out from the manual pages on which platforms the GNU assembler is part of the system and on which platforms it is not; removing the man pages for certain platforms might not be the solution, but the problem is real).


On Fr, 03 Mär 2023 09:43:16 -0700
 Theo de Raadt <> wrote:
And I think you are INCORRECT.

The #1 reason to make a manual page visible is for learning.

The people on clang architectures need to know that the gcc systems are different, that different decisions have been made. Education is way
more important than consistancy.

"Stanislav Syekirin" wrote:

I agree. I would expect man pages for as(1), gcc(1), gcc-local(1)
etc. to be present if as and gcc are present, and absent if they are
absent. Or, alternatively, gcc-local(1) should document which
platforms use gcc and which don't.


On Do, 2 Mär 2023 22:47:08 +0000
 Jason McIntyre <> wrote:

> i don;t think we should be installing gcc-local(1) on any archs
> where
> gcc isnt happening:
> $ uname -a
> OpenBSD 7.2 GENERIC.MP#22 amd64
> $ man gcc
> man: No entry for gcc in the manual.
> jmc

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