On 2023-04-20, Jonathan Thornburg <dr.j.thornb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Andrew Hewus Fresh <and...@afresh1.com> wrote:
>> This usually happens when an XS module is installed outside of the
>> package ecosystem, often with a CPAN client.
>> I would guess this error is Term::ReadLine::Gnu
>> https://metacpan.org/pod/Term::ReadLine::Gnu
> I've never used the CPAN client (I always install CPAN perl modules
> "manually" via 'perl Makefile.PL'; 'make'; 'make test'; 'doas make install',
> and follow dependency chains manually).  And I've never installed
> Term::Readline::Gnu.
> But I do see that I installed the p5-Devel-NYTProf
> package, and maybe that dragged in some conflicting library?  But
> deleting that package doesn't change the error I'm getting.

p5-Term-ReadLine-Gnu is in ports, but NYTProf doesn't depend on it.
There are a few other ports which do though.

Take a look and see if you have


It is possible that it was installed from packages before, but
you lost the files for it in /var/db/pkg (can happen after a crash
or power loss at a bad time) which would prevent it from being
updated by pkg_add. If present, timestamps on that file might
give clues.

Alternatively if you run your test script with LD_DEBUG set in the
environment, you should have some "dlopen: loading" lines in the
output, one of which will show the path where it found this module.
There will be a bunch of output, you'll need scrollback or script(1)
or something.

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