On 2023-04-21, Antoine Jacoutot <ajacou...@bsdfrog.org> wrote:
> Hi. 
> You can pas environment variables by creating a login class matching the name 
> of your rc.d script in login.conf and adding setenv to that class. 

Or create a new file /etc/login.conf.d/(script_name). If you're writing
a port, create pkg/(script_name).login and it will be added to the plist
automatically when you "make update-list".

>> The problem I'm facing is that it seems that Airflow looks for various 
>> environment variables such as $HOME, $AIRFLOW_HOME, $AIRFLOW_CONFIG etc and 
>> I'm seeing no obvious way to pass those requisite environment variables to 
>> Airflow from my rc.d script. Without these variables set, Airflow annoyingly 
>> just looks in /dev/null for everything and fails to function.

That seems a strange dir to use by default. Did you perhaps set the
_airflowd user's home dir to /dev/null? If so, try /var/airflow instead.

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