> Hi,
> I want to log some pf-rules via pflog but unfortunately simply nothing
> gets logged although I think I did the correct steps:
> - created rules that include something like 'pass in log (all) on...'
>   (actually the rules themselves work and let packets pass)
> - ifconfig up pflog0 ('ifconfig -a' shows the interface)
> - 'ps auxw' tells me that pflogd is running ('pflogd: [running] -s
> 116 \ 
>   -f /var/log/pflog (pflogd)')
> - the file var/log/pflog exists but according to its
> timestamp it wasn't
>   touched since 2004!?
> - 'tcpdump -n -e -ttt -i pflog0' shows nothing more than a
> warning about
>   no assigned ipv4 address (quite ok I think)
> - 'pflogd -D' returns nothing
> What am I missing?

set loginterface ?

drs. Mark C. Prins
Spatial Fusion Specialist / Network Administration
SkypeMe@ skype:mark.prins-caris.nl

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