On 2023-05-08, Stuart Longland <stua...@longlandclan.id.au> wrote:
> Silly question… is there a tool for encrypting files with asymmetric
> keys on OpenBSD?  I'm aware of GnuPG in ports, and I'm fine with using
> that, however I'm curious to know what other options there are out
> there, especially options that are part of the base system.
> I know OpenSSL (and likely LibreSSL) can do RSA for this purpose,
> although its CLI is more of a debugging tool than an actual encryption
> tool.

to be fair, gpg's CLI seems more like a debugging tool too ;)

>        I'd also like to use ECC keys (ideally ED25519) for future
> proofing, since RSA is getting quite long in the tooth now.

Ed25519 is used for signing not encrypting. But Ed25519 keys can be
converted and used for encryption; "age" has convenience support
for doing this with Ed25519 ssh keys, and might generally be something
that works for your use case. It's not in base though.


Another possibility is libsodium's crypto_box API but will need more
self-assembly as afaik there's no standard CLI tool using this.

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