On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 10:21:55AM -0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> I think your options are 1) run a second copy (I suggest symlinking
> rc.d/unbound -> e.g. rc.d/unbound1, and setting unbound1_rtable=1),
> or 2) leak the traffic between tables using a PF rule, I have this
> on my laptop:
> pass out quick on rdomain 2 to nat-to rtable 0

This works great, thank you!

For the record, there was a "set skip on lo" directive that came with
the pf.conf example file. I had to remove it for the NAT rule to work.

> (in my case I have a wg tunnel in rdomain 2 for certain traffic
> but would like to use unwind on the main table for DNS lookups).

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