Hi folks,

I'm trying to debug an issue where my machine partially locks up after
some hours (somewhere between 12 and 48, is my current window).  The
extent of the locking is still unclear, that's part of what I'm trying
to figure out.

While debugging, I thought I'd try to enter ddb, so I set ddb.console
to 1 in /etc/sysctl.conf and tried to write to ddb.trigger:

pom# sysctl ddb.{console,panic}
pom# sysctl ddb.trigger=1
sysctl: ddb.trigger: Operation not supported by device

Am I holding this thing wrong?  According to ddb(4), the above should
be sufficient, no?

One thing to note is that I'm running this from a chroot into a mfs
system (as part of the debugging of the locking up), could that affect
things?  Even if it's from a chroot, I can still change sysctl MIBs -
is ddb.trigger special?

I'm doing all this through the serial console (glass console and
network both are unresponsive in the locked up state), could that be
related?  (for the record, BREAK doesn't work either to enter ddb, I
guessed it was due to the USB-to-serial dongle I'm using (uplcom(4)
lacking support for sending a proper BREAK .. but this may be the same



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