On 2023-06-28, Rachel Roch <rr...@tutanota.de> wrote:
> Sadly the other side of the link is beyond my control, different company.  
> I'll certainly ask if they can turn on autonegotiation.

autonegotiation isn't really a thing with fibre.

"media autoselect" (i.e. the default) on fibre nics on OpenBSD isn't the
same thing as autonegotiation on copper. if you already get link, there
is probably no more to be done on your side.

not being able to force media might prevent talking at 1G with a 10G
SFP+, but that's usually easiest solved by using a 1G SFP in the SFP+
slot instead.

accessing stats from DOM (ifconfig ixl sff) probably requires chasing
API changes in the NIC firmware - those are running much newer firmware
than my working ixl(4) cards:

ixl3 at pci1 dev 0 function 3 "Intel X710 SFP+" rev 0x02: port 1, FW 6.80.48603 
API 1.7, msix, 2 queues, address f8:f2:1e:...

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