
Small town British Columbia here...

I know it's not what you are asking, but...

I have a Telus business plan (fiber) which gives me 2 static IP addresses and host it myself.  You can't do it on a "Residential" because some of the ports are filtered.  I had a huge battle with Telus over this and the only resolution was to get a business plan that "allows" me to run servers :(

A UPS and things are amazing.  Web (https via acme), email, nextcloud, etc.

I'm using a simple fanless system with a Canadian source (https://ca.protectli.com/vault-2-port/)

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Steve W.

On 06/07/2023 10:31 p.m., Jonathan Thornburg wrote:
I'm looking for a web hosting provider based in Canada.  Performance
isn't critical (the websites will be relatively small, static, and
low-traffic), but I'd like a firm whose customer support doesn't
core-dump if I mention Perl or OpenBSD.  Any recommendations?


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