Centuries ago, Nostradamus predicted that Katherine Mcmillan would write on Fri 
Jul 14 06:15:07 2023:

> So, I have a couple of questions:  Why ZFS? Does XFS support serious
> work?  The file system is the limitation to you doing 'serious work'
> on OpenBSD?  Why is that?

I don't know whether this new topic is of general interest to the
readers of this mailing list, and I don't want to be accused of
misusing this mailing list only days after joining it, but you asked a
public question, so I shall give a public answer.  I have several
different operating systems installed on my computers, and ZFS allows
them to share directories -- e.g., /home, /var/www, /usr/local/src --
some of which are rather large.  When I put OpenBSD on one of my
computers, it has to have its own copy of the home directories, and of
the website, because it can't see the ZFS filesystems that every other
serious operating system can see, and I consider that to be an
undesirable duplication of storage.

(Parenthetically, you do not want to get me started on XFS.  No,
really, you don't.)

> What Linux distro supports ZFS (you have just 'Linux' there)?  Ubuntu
> doesn't seem to be one that you'd want to use as an example here.

Yes, I have noticed recently that not only Ubuntu, but also all the
distributions derived from Ubuntu (and there are many) now support ZFS
immediately post-installation.  But zfsonlinux.org has existed for
decades, and it has always been a simple matter to download the source
code, build and install it, and -- voilĂ  (pardon my French, but it is,
after all, July 14) -- loadable kernel modules that support ZFS.  If
OpenBSD had something like that, unsupported 3rd-party loadable kernel
modules that support ZFS, I would be a happy man.

(There has also been zfs-fuse for decades, but you do not want to get
me started on that, either.)

> All the best,
> Katie

        Jay F. Shachter
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        "But when she traced the killer's IP address ... it was in the 
192.168/16 block!"

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