> latin...@vcn.bc.ca wrote:
>> Hello
>> i am testing IKEv2; and because i felt really confuse trying to
>> configure
>> them; i delete all certs; and i can not find how to re-create them, on
>> FAQ
>> and misc!
>> May somebody help please?
>> Thank you.
> It's in /etc/rc , function make_keys at line 135:
> # Generate keys for isakmpd, iked and sshd if they don't exist yet.
> make_keys() {
>       # ...
>       local _iked_key=/etc/iked/private/local.key
>       local _iked_pub=/etc/iked/local.pub
>       # ...
>       if [[ ! -f $_iked_key ]]; then
>               echo -n "openssl: generating iked ECDSA keys... "
>               if openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out $_iked_key 
> >/dev/null
> 2>&1 &&
>                       chmod 600 $_iked_key &&
>                       openssl ec -out $_iked_pub -in $_iked_key \
>                           -pubout >/dev/null 2>&1; then
>                       echo done.
>               else
>                       echo failed.
>               fi
>       fi
>       # ...
> }
> -Lucas

Hey Lucas thank you very much man!

Something magic had happend after reboot! lkev2 is working, BTW at the
client i can not use Web Browser?, the ssh connection did not stop

Really thanks man.

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