i made what i thought would be a fine backup of a freebsd-6.0 machine using
dump. more specifically i issued a

# dump -0f - /usr | ssh -o 'EscapeChar none' [EMAIL PROTECTED] "cat >

this created usr.fs on my openbsd backup host. now that i'm trying to restore
the dump on my backup host, which i now realize i should have tested prior to
wiping the drive of the old machine, i am getting the following messages:

# cat usr.fs | restore -rf -
restore: Tape is not a dump tape
# restore -i usr.fs   
restore: /dev/rst0: Device not configured

this is disheartening and makes me worried :(. i hope i have not hosed my
backup, but i am inclined to say that i haven't broken anything since i've done
this before when setting up CGD on netbsd (see
http://www.s-mackie.demon.co.uk/unix-notes/NetBSD-CGD-Setup.html ) and there
were no issues there. could there be some problem with a dump from freebsd-6.0
not restoring on openbsd-3.7, i.e. if i reinstalled freebsd-6.0 on another
machine, could i restore the dumps?

thx for reading, quick replies appreciated.


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