On Sun, 2023-09-24 at 13:07 +0200, Rudolf Leitgeb wrote:
> This libpcre2 library seems to be the only one, which is not
> used all over the place. The library itself may not even be buggy, it
> may just return something, which the new versions of the caller can't
> handle, or it may be unhappy with something the new callers send.
> Still: if you can tie this memory/cpu leak to the interaction between
> application and that library, it should be much easier to identify
> the offending commit in nginx and all the other affected programs.
Yes, _if_ it is that library. I would not fully set my sights on that
yet. Nginx has the benefit of having a cut somewhere that triggers
this; Hopefully the tests are done soon (i went for brute force instead
of binary search; takes four days but requires no interaction).

But yes, getting a specific commit there will be helpful.

> I just saw, that the version 8 of libpcre2 seems to be quite a bit
> behind the current version: 
> https://github.com/PCRE2Project/pcre2/releases
> Is this intentional?
I am using what comes from the packages/ports. So the intentions on
that are with the maintainers there.

With best regards,

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