On 2023-10-10, Courtney <courtney@courtnix.systems> wrote:
> Maybe I am wrong, but I thought that relayd was not capable of doing
> TLS pass through? That would be preferable if it is possible.

If you do TLS passthrough (i.e. passing packets directly to the origin
rather than doing "back to back" and terminating one TLS connection and
making a second one) then the renewed certs need to be copied on to the
backend machines, which was a thing you were asking about avoiding.

Obviously you don't have access to HTTP headers at that point so you
can't inspect Host, but you can look at SNI from the TLS ClientHello.
(encrypted SNI doesn't matter much here - a small server will be
sufficiently identifiable from the IP address alone so there's
little benefit in using eSNI, so you can simply not configure
tge server to use it).

If you *do* want that, sniproxy is made for doing just that, so should
be simple to configure, but it's also possible with at least haproxy and


Passing the client's source IP through to the origin server can be a
bit fiddly with this method. haproxy has a proxy protocol which can be
used to pass it through but the origin server needs to understand it. It
can also be done by essentially 'spoofing' the original client IP for
the TCP connection to the origin - which works with any origin server
software, but the proxy needs to be on a machine on the normal network
path between the client and origin. (For a normal "back to back"
proxy with two separate TLS connections, for https this would normally
be done by adding X-Forwarded-For or similar header).

relayd can definitely pass a TCP connection to a different backend based
on IP address or port. There should probably be a way to use https Host
headers as part of the decision by doing back-to-back TLS connections
though like everything with relayd filters it will probably require
hitting your head against a wall repeatedly before getting it to work ;)
I don't _think_ there's any way to use SNI to make that decision
in relayd.

> On 10/9/23 00:42, Kapetanakis Giannis wrote:
>> On 08/10/2023 04:00, Courtney wrote:
>>> Ultimately, I want to serve a handful of services on 80/443 that are
>>> easily accessible internally and externally, and I don't want to have
>>> unencrypted traffic between relayd and my server for the services that
>>> are passing sessions and such.
>> Then don't terminate the connection on relayd. Use redirect instead of a 
>> relay and terminate on the web server itself.
>> It will also be a little faster since the router/relayd will only route/pass 
>> the packets to the appropriate backend server.
>> For internal traffic you have to use appropriate DNS (local IP) and maybe a 
>> different certificate.
>> G

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