Hi there,

Since upgrading from 7.3 to 7.4 my wireguard setup stopped working.
Now, it might be me. Still here's what I have.

Stripping down wg0.conf, I have this message as soon as I add a [Peer]
section and its public key:

bsd# cat /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
> [Interface]
> PrivateKey = (hidden by me)
> ListenPort = 51820
> [Peer]
> PublicKey = (hidden by me)
> #PresharedKey = (hidden by me)
> #AllowedIPs = 10.x.x.10/32

> # wg setconf wg0 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
> Unable to modify interface: Address family not supported by protocol family

Trying to set it up manually, I get the following result:

> bsd# ifconfig wg0 wgpeer '(hidden by me)' wgpsk '(hidden by me)' wgaip
> '10.x.x.10/32'
> bsd# wg
> interface: wg0
>   public key: (hidden by me)
>   private key: (hidden)
>   listening port: 51820
> peer: (hidden by me)
>   preshared key: (hidden)
>   allowed ips: (none)

I see no way of setting the AllowedIPs anymore.
I did not see any change in 7.4 that cloud explain the behaviour or require
a change in my configuration
I'd be grateful for feedback.

Thanks !

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