On Tue, 5 Dec 2023 16:46:38 +0100 (GMT+01:00), Nowarez Market wrote:
> so what is techinal explanation of the happening and the cut off to 8.3 ?

Well, for the given title, 8.3 yields:

"Tcl_Tk 8.5 P", but I imagine, for this case, that what it might do is 
see an eight character filename and a dot, and expect that it will see 
an extension after that. Since it's got not only eight characters and 
the start of an extension, it's got another dot way down the way that 
has a recognizable extension, and in the middle it's got loads of 
whitespace. You haven't shown what the 8.3 result of shortening is 
(what's the extension? pdf or 5\ P or 5pr or something else?) Does the 
eight character name include whitespace? (since there's one at position 
seven in the input filename).

You've presented your conclusion, that android can handle filenames 
longer than 255 characters, but openbsd can't, and you've given an 
example of an input filename, but not of the resultant 8.3 
representation, and only one example. Have you, perhaps, misdiagnosed 
the problem?

Amelia A. Lewis                    amyzing {at} talsever.org
"Oh, fuck!  You did it just like I told you to!"  (The manager's lament)
(also the programmer's lament, directed toward a compiler)

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