On Tue, Dec 05, 2023 at 02:06:44PM +0000, Steven Surdock wrote:

Using an OBSD 7.4 VM on VMware as an NFS server on HOST02.   It is
primarily used to store VMWare VM backups from HOST01, so VMWare
is the NFS client.  I'm seeing transfers of about 1.2 MB/s.

Sounds about right.  On a single (magnetic) disk, assume 200 ops/sec
maximum, or about 5 kbyte per write op.

Remember that NFS is synchronous.  It is based on RPC, remote
procedure calls.  The call has to return a result to the client
before the next call can happen.  So your client (ESXi) is stuck
at the synchronous write rate of your disk, which is governed
by seek time and rotation rate.

To confirm, run systat and note the "sec" measurement for your disk.
It will likely be in the 0.5 to 1.0 range.  This means your
disk is 50% to 100% busy.  And the speed is about 1MB/s.

For improvement, use "-o noatime" on your exported partition
mount.  This reduces inode update IO.

Or, try "-o async" if you want to live dangerously.

Or, you could even try ext2 instead of ffs.....rumour has it that
ext2 is faster.  I don't know, never having tried it.

Or use an SSD for your export partition.

Or, crank up a copy of Linux and run NFS v4 server.  That will
definitely be faster than any NFS v3 server.  V4 streams
writes, to be very simplistic about it.

(I think you already confirmed it's NFS v3 with TCP, not NFS v2.
You should turn UDP off for reliability reasons, not performance.)


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