If you didn't already, try running rsync as a *server* on the Windows
side (if you want SSH, forward the ports). There's a cygwin bug that
bites rsync in some circumstances (when network buffers fill, iirc).

rather than setting a standalone rsyn server listening to a port,
you can try a minamilist approach

have rsync installed w/ cygwin on windows,
use ssh to run rsync on openbsd box, I know it works with openbsd 3.8 port of rsync.

In your bat file on windoze you can use the -e option of rsync to call ssh, and the -i option of ssh to select the identity key

NOTE the key has to be owned by the cygwin user and not group or other,
for ssh security reasons, that is the typical gotcha.

(its not uncommon on windows for the login name
to actually be something different like default
in the passwd file on windows cygwin....)

then you can use zip, dump or tar or other to backup the mirror or rather rsync file system. maybe doing a full backup weekly or monthly and
using find to backup file changed daily...

some notes here also:

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