
I'm running a 7.4 amd64 NFS server that has a sd0 spinning disk.
Its only partition is encrypted as sd3i.

# mount | grep sd3
/dev/sd3i on /wd_4_tb type ffs (NFS exported, local)

# cat /etc/exports
/wd_4_tb -alldirs -maproot=root -network= -mask=

At the Slackware Linux NFS client:
# mount -v | grep wd_4_tb on /partilha_casa type nfs

To reduce electricity consumption costs, at /etc/rc.local, I set:
/sbin/atactl sd0 setidle 1800
/sbin/atactl sd0 setstandby 3600

I can mount and unmount the NFS remote filesystem from the Linux client.
But after the disk gets in standby mode, I'm unable to unmount the
remote filesystem.
Even a 'ls -l /parti'  then I press TAB and the virtual terminal is

After a couple of hours, I could unmount the remote filesystem.

Is there anything that can be setup in order to be able to unmount or
ls the remote filesystem when its disk is in standby mode?

Thanks in advance,

  Luís Mendes

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