...on 2024-01-27 20:01:55, Omar Polo wrote:

 > I think you're mixing up pkg_delete and sysclean.  sysclean will give
 > you a list of extra files that are not needed, while pkg_delete handles
 > packages.

Nope, I looked at both, and neither handles old shared libraries 
from upgraded packages in /usr/local.

I had a quick skim over the pkg* sources, and while my Perl is far 
too rusty to really understand what's going on, there's a comment 
in PkgAdd.pm that looks related:

 > sub delete_old_packages($set, $state)
 > {
 > [..]
 >      $set->cleanup_old_shared($state);
 >      # Here there should be code to handle old libs
 > }


I mean, it takes a couple of years of running pkg_add -u to 
turn into a problem, when your /usr/local is too small... ;)


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