first, are you trolling me? :-)

I think my port to windows is more about choice for potential customers, than giving the world a virus.  Ie. if the customer would pay me money for my L7 DNS firewall, but is not able to quickly change to OpenBSD or Linux on their network, then that's where the Windows client would come in.

Until I'm ready though in setting up this firewall system, some time is going to pass.  Until then, it would be nice to offer people all versions (which are synced) for a small cost.  Think of it as a donation and you have the choice to use it on Windows, Linux, or BSD (and perhaps Mac OS).  I considered Solaris but noone uses that anymore do they?  I still have solaris 10 on an i386 bytemine firewall here, but I don't know if I should spend time on this.  I have a very strict timeline and plan for the next two years.

Take me back to 1995 I was convinced Linux was the best model for the world.  Take me back to 2000 I decided I wanted to give OpenBSD my primary focus.  Take me back to 2007, I realised sitting in a mental institution, that the program I started in 2005 was my best achievement to that date.  Take me back to 2015 I realised I need to get DNSSEC working on this, take me back to 2023 I realised that I'd never get a job as a 'sysadmin' since I was unemployed for 14 years since 2002.  I have about 200 EUR in pensions per month after retirement so I view my creation and the countless of hours I spent on it as part of my retirement bonus, so that I can retire perhaps like my dad.  And it would be nice to pay back some debts for the re-education I'm going through in the next 2 years.

Eventually we all break, until there is social changes making way for a true "digital information age".



PS: if all else fails, my backup is to become a social worker for 20 years and help people overcome their pain and poverty because AI made them irrelevant.  Coincidentally I met one person in 2003 at a job coaching event that was one of the first "victims" of digitalization that I ran into.  She was a developer of film before digital cameras, when she was canned she was 53 years old and was visibly depressed.

People shouldn't have to go through this, but media news outlets are already saying that 40% of the entire world working people will get unemployment in the foreseeable future (maybe a dozen years to go).  I battled a mental illness since 2002, I also know the pain of stigma and everything that revolves around mental illnesses.  I think I can help people as well, and perhaps open source can help these people too.  It helped me in a time when I had no job offers and I do feel I have created some worth.

On 1/29/24 17:31, wrote:
open source model benefits everyone because people can check and know there
are no spyware/malware which affects people directly (use your software) or by
using some service that uses your software like companies getting hacked left
and right even the biggest companies get hacked because they are full of
idiots who use proprietary code

I am not familiar with the whole profiting thing, but the idea of paying only
for compiled binaries sounds reasonable (and accepting donations if they
like if someone is on windows, how are they going to compile it? I never seen
compiling done on MS Windows, so still profitable? this makes sense to me

and if you have money and time think of us who don't like viruses on our
computer because that's what proprietary is, virus

thank you

On Mon, January 29, 2024 3:07 pm, Peter J. Philipp wrote:

I have written an authoritative DNS server since 2005.  This february 16th
it will have the last Open Source release at version 1.8.  The Open Source
development was a great prototype (for me), but I feel that asking for
donations is not going to make me a lot of money so I intend to port it to
Microsoft Windows (and perhaps Mac OS) in the next two years.

I also intend to keep this part non-open source, and you may be able to buy
that port in a microsoft store.  This is just part of a greater plan to
eventually enter the firewall market as a cloud based layer seven firewall.
Many systems already exist doing this, but I'm hoping my approach will
eventually get me a minute market share enough to pay some bills.

Now to my question(s):

1. Does the LibreSSL port to windows work?  If so, great!  That will easen
the porting work.

2. How hard would it be to port the imsg framework to Windows?  I understand
there is descriptor passing involved which windows doesn't know.  But I'm
confident that an alternative can be found.  Does a windows port to imsg
already exist?

3. Just out of the blue, is there Windows efforts for pledge and unveil?  I
don't intend to port them but leave them be just like the Linux port that is
already working.

Please, don't feel annoyed that I'm porting to Windows.  It is just an effort
  to gain a larger marketshare of people that could use this as a product.
nearly 20 years I have finally a chance to make some money.  Something I never
  had before.  Also version 1.8 will always be around, it will never go away.
And in a few years I do intend to release version 1.9 (without windows port),

I'm a firm believer that the Open Source model benefits the cream of the crop
  (the people with skills on top), but it doesn't benefit everyone.  I'm not
a hotshot programmer, I'm mediocre at best.  This is why I want to adopt an
"open core" business model.  This may be selling out to some.  So what.

Also the days of closed source are almost finished.  People with enough ML/AI
  power can devise decompilers that are able to make a fine human
understandable code (in C) of a binary.  I have seen screenshots of C
decompilers that label variables var0, var1, var2, var3 etc etc.  So
non-coherent.  But with a bit of AI the var1, var2, varN... can be rearranged
to something more understandable. This also means that open source will win,
but its significance will not be so obvious anymore.  So I give my "closed
source" part a few years before they are decompiled back into source.
Hopefully enough time to make a bit of money.

Thank you for your help along the way for the last 19 years!  And who knows
you can always fork my open source version and continue development for all. It
would be nice to see what you're doing with it and even participate but my
priority for the next two years is re-education as a social worker and when I
  can to work on this windows port, so that I have more options to make money
in 2026 and beyond (before I reach retirement age in 20 odd years).


Please reply with CC to me since I'm not on tech@ and misc@ lists for the
time being.

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