Jag Talon <jag@aangat.lahat.computer> writes:

> I was wondering if I could get help with reducing power consumption on
> my laptop.
> I have a Dell XPS 17 9700 that's newly running 7.4 (dmesg in
> attachment) and previously it was running Fedora. Real-world usage
> seems to have gone from 4 hrs to about 40 mins so I was wondering if
> I'm missing anything:
> * I've tried using `apm -A`, `apm -L`, and `obsdfreqd` but any
>   improvement seems small.
> * I've tried lowering the resolution from 3840x2400 to 1680x1050,
>   which improved things a little bit, but not much. When `xenodm` or
>   `gdm` is not running it still gets pretty hot.
> * It still consumes a lot of power even when I'm not using it, so it
>   doesn't seem to be a CPU issue.
> Are there other things that I could try looking into? Does anyone have
> experience with this laptop?
> I get the feeling that it could perhaps be the Nvidia GPU running in
> the background even when it's unsupported? Is that possible?

Can you disable that in the uefi/bios settings? There may also be other
power settings in there to tweak. While OpenBSD doesn't have the
fanciest power management, the firmware can still do something to
throttle or change power states of systems.

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