Reminder that the BSDCan talk/tutorial submission period ends on the 12th, so 
there's one last weekend to apply!

We're a brand new organizing team, but we'll be at the same familiar venue: 
UOttawa 29 May - 1 June, with two days of
half- and full-day tutorials followed by two days for the conference itself.

Check out: for the call for papers and link to the 
instructions for some tips on writing your 
proposal if you are ready to submit! (please include a 
comment with bio and travel $ estimate)

Talks for any level of experience and a wide variety of topics are welcome, and 
we also have space for BOF sessions or
round-table discussions by request. Please note on your proposal if you wish to 
present remotely. (Details for this option
have yet to be ironed out, but we hope to avoid excluding community members for 
reasons of health or safety). The
conference will offer paid travel and accommodations to in-person speakers, and 
a mask policy will be in effect. There
will be a social event the afternoon before the conference begins and a closing 
dinner (meal not included) on the last day.

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