
I have a custom error template that I use for the error documents for
httpd, as described in: man httpd.conf

In /var/www I have created:

    /err                root:daemon     chmod 0755

Within /var/www/err I have created:

    err.html            www:www         chmod 0444

In my httpd.conf I have a global configuration that points to this:

        . . .
        errdocs "/err"

When I cause an error with httpd, the error document template I have
created gets rendered to the client, but I get entries in syslog like
the following:

    serv1 httpd[23368]: read_errdoc: open: No such file or directory

This also happens if a create a copy of err.html and name it 404.html.

How can I modify my configuration to stop the: read_errdoc entries in
syslog ?


- J

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