Subject: Log files and Zero click exploits


Kindly find below log entries generated from tcpdump of the pflog. The is a 
fresh install & updated openbsd 7.4, with bare-minimum installation configured 
for a firewall. There are no x* programs installed.

Feb 11 18:09:41.682345 rule 14/(match) block in on re0: > 
wan-ip.60360: [wg] initiation from 0xdd6a56bc
Feb 11 18:09:46.754493 rule 14/(match) block in on re0: > 
wan-ip.60360: [wg] initiation from 0x963acc89
Feb 11 18:09:51.778525 rule 14/(match) block in on re0: > 
wan-ip.60360: [wg] initiation from 0x93d9508d
Feb 11 18:09:56.835383 rule 14/(match) block in on re0: > 
wan-ip.60360: [wg] initiation from 0x112cf65b
Feb 11 18:29:33.657009 rule 14/(match) block in on re0: > 
wan-ip.60360: [wg] initiation from 0x639ed21a
Feb 11 18:29:33.657454 rule 14/(match) block in on re0: > 
wan-ip.60360: [wg] initiation from 0xb2fcd9b8
Feb 11 18:29:33.658140 rule 14/(match) block in on re0: > 
wan-ip.60360: [wg] initiation from 0x8ae84cca
Feb 11 18:29:33.658808 rule 14/(match) block in on re0: > 
wan-ip.60360: [wg] initiation from 0xcbb881b7
Feb 11 18:29:33.659165 rule 14/(match) block in on re0: > 
wan-ip.60360: [wg] initiation from 0x612a28f8
Feb 11 18:29:33.659416 rule 14/(match) block in on re0: > 
wan-ip.60360: [wg] initiation from 0x49f595ec

wan-ip is my wan static ip address.

What does [wg] means? What does "initiation from 0xdd6a56bc"...etc. means? Does 
that mean there is a malicious file/app located at those memory addresses in my 
system trying to initiate connection to this specific 
address/port? This ip address is a malicious and there are others as well we 
get every single time we connect to the internet. Those malicious ip addresses 
could also be spoofed. Other log files are not indicating anything. We always 
get those attacks every time when connecting to the internet, and usually 
happens at the initial connections.

How to configure the log files to record all the activities happening on the 
system and especially to locate malicious activities/files including zero-click 

I created a basic bin malware for testing purposes and copied it to the bsd 
system using usb. The only activity that was logged under messages was the usb 
attach/detach. However, the malicious file itself and its execution were not 
recorded at all in any of the log files. Also, for Intrusion Detection, I used 
mtree before and after the malware copy to the system, mtree was able to detect 
the file and record it under extra:, however, when I deleted the file and 
covered the track using dd if=/dev/zero of=/bin_location bs=1024k count=12, 
mtree could not detect it. That means as an IDS, mtree is defenseless against 
malicious files that deletes and covers its tracks.

When examining citizen lab's zero-click exploits reports, almost all the 
malicious directories and files are stored under folders that would not be 
immutable such as /usr/ library directories and files. As an example, under 
openbsd, the folders /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, and /etc, could be schg 
immutable, however, if the other folder or files configured to be schg 
immutable, the openbsd system would break, and when restart, it would not load. 
Also, the zero-click exploits for the most part do not attempt to change the 
files in the mentioned bin/sbin folders, rather, the exploit would copy the 
malware to a location that is not immutable and use those files to its 
malicious purposes.

The zero-click exploit attacks for smartphones may be slightly different than a 
fixed standalone device system, as the smartphone such as ios, andriod...etc 
are mobile, so the malware may have to be persistence, however, for a 
standalone system such as a firewall, since it would be in a fixed location 
with static wan IP address, and especially if the device was under the telecom 
umbrella of a corrupted adversary, as long as they know what platform you are 
using, the zero-click exploit could happen almost instantly and does not have 
to be persistent as they would get in at every internet connection, then 
delete, cover tracks, and reinstating the system to an undetectable status at 
every internet disconnect.

How to activate the log files to be able to detect such activities, How to 
protect openbsd from such exploits, what tools could be used in openbsd to help 
detect such malicious intrusion, any kernel/firewall tweaks to protect against 
such attacks?

The rules "block all, pass out" are insufficient, and you do not have to click 
on any link for the attack to take place.

Appreciate your kind support.


On Sunday, April 30th, 2023 at 5:23 AM, jonathon575 
<> wrote:

> Thank you Stuart.
> ------- Original Message -------
> On Saturday, April 29th, 2023 at 2:18 PM, jonathon575 
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How to sappnd history?
>> Thanks,

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