On Wed, Mar 22, 2006 at 01:24:33PM +0100, Marco Fretz wrote:
> hello
> i had a well known problem, but no idea how to build a "correct"
> solution.
> we have a lot of linux and bsd servers at our isp. i have to backup data
> from these systems to a remote system.
> the backup server (storage server) has access to remote systems (data
> sources) over ssh and public key auth (a user named backup exists on all
> systems). 
> my problem, this user has no access to some files
> in /etc, /usr/local/etc, and so on. so what to do?
> i build a script that runs locally on all system over root cronjob. the
> script backs up all data in a tar file on the local machine. 
> my problem now i had to transfer the whole tar archive (on some systems
> over 8 GB) to my backupserver every day twice (packup period).
> is there a way with rdiff-backup to start rdiff-backup on remote machine
> with root access (by sudo)?

Probably, but is the basis of the problem not that the backup user has
insufficient priviliges?

It might be a better solution to use public-key authentication for root,
limited to executing a single command. The rdiff-backup docs seem to
include this solution.


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