On 2024/03/03 13:06, beecdadd...@danwin1210.de wrote:
> is there no way to know how many rounds a drive needs to be decrypted? if

Easiest way is probably to modify the bootloader to print
it (in libsa). You could also check a hexdump of the softraid
header block but you'll need to figure out the layout.

> so, then that's good security but want to know how many rounds my computer
> would do, after the crypto has been created?
> I find -v gives you rounds and probably default rounds if you don't do -r,
> but I am too late to find out that now

You can't tell for sure from running bioctl afterwards, if the cpu was
throttled at the time the autodetect could have picked a lower number of
rounds. Adjust it with bioctl -P with an explicit setting for -r if you
want to be sure (this works on an existing softraid volume too).

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