> I set up a mailman on OpenBSD, and it seems I have managed to do it.
> A single problem left, that I'd like to share with you and get your idea;
> On mailman homepage, there is a link "you can visit the list admin overview
> page"
> and when I click, redirects me: mysite.com/admin and it gives error 404.
> However if I add "/" at the end, making mysite.com/admin/, it works.
> Also the same happens on the linked-text;
> "Overview of all list.mysite.com mailing lists" linking to;
> mysite.com/listinfo, which gives 404 not found when clicking on it.
> But with an extra '/'; mysite.com/listinfo/ works.
> Where's my mistake?
> Related httpd.conf lines;
> location "/admin/*" {
> fastcgi socket "/var/www/run/slowcgi.sock"
> root "/usr/local/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/admin"
> request strip 1
> }

I don't know this mailman script but...
Why did you strip first component from the request?
Are these cgi's in /usr/local/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/admin or in
What is your chroot setting in httpd.conf?
And IF you changed httpd chroot how do you start slowcgi(8)?
What/where is socket? Where is path?

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