Henry Bent <henry.r.b...@gmail.com> writes:

Now, I find that there is a fragmentation happening. There are those of us who still cling to mailing lists - like this one! - and those who are willing to navigate the realms of increasingly compartmentalized other forms of community, Discord included. The fact that there is not a recognized central repository of unpaid support for a product, like
sun-managers, I find to be frustrating.

i basically agree. i won't dwell on this too much further because i recognise that i'm going off-topic, list-wise, but:

i think part of the problem is related to different people having different preferences around the interfaces they want/need for discussions. What's happened is that - for reasons i feel are typically due to a lock-in-oriented business model - many discussion systems don't provide different interfaces/'views' to the same underlying discussions. Which results in one community on platform X, another community on platform Y, another community on platform Z .... Whereas, for example, the 'Rocksolid Light' BBS/forum software provides a Web-based interface to an underlying NNTP-based system, such that people can use their NNTP clients to engage in forum discussions. i wish this sort of approach was more common.


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