On 2024-03-15, Evan Sherwood <nee...@ton618.org> wrote:
> Is there a way to configure this without hard-coding my IPv4 address?
> I do not think my IPv4 address from my ISP is static, thus my original
> interest in the ($wan:0) form.

I don't think there is at present. There are no "only use v4" or "only
use v6" addresses modifiers, and pf isn't figuring out for itself that
it only makes sense to use addresses from the relevant family for af-to
translation addresses (although it _does_ do this for nat-to).

>> Regarding the other rules and tests, the ::1 rule is wrong, packets
>> outgoing on the network won't have a ::1 address, try "!received-on
>> any", and packets sourced from the router itself won't hit the af-to
>> rule so tests need to be from another machine (and probably best use
>> different DNS servers not doing dns64 on the router).
> Thanks for this follow-up. You're right that I was trying to only target
> traffic that originated from the router itself with this rule. I had
> figured out that the tests needed to be from another machine, though
> that did take me a while.
> What are the reasons for doing dns64 on a different machine?

Ah I meant that the router should not use the local unbound dns64
resolver for its own traffic - otherwise it won't be able to reach v4
hosts because there won't be anything to handle the translation.
Either point it off-machine (ISP or public resolver) or run another
local resolver for its own traffic.

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