
This is a polite reminder to restore listing as follows.

C Kenya
T Nairobi
Z P.O. Box 30164-00100
O Consultant
I Kihaguru Njenga Gathura
M kihaguru.gath...@gmail.com
B +254 7 0697 0697
N OpenBSD consulting. Speciality in web applications development with
OpenBSD-httpd web server, PostgreSQL DBMS, FastCGI protocol and C
programming language.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Kihaguru Gathura <pqscr...@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2024, 21:43
Subject: Re: Support Update
To: Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de>
Cc: <kihaguru.gath...@gmail.com>, <misc@openbsd.org>

Hi Ingo,

Thank you for your understanding.
The domain situation is lingering a bit too long due to reliability issues
with my current provider.
To preserve listing, Please update as follows.


C Kenya
T Nairobi
Z P.O. Box 30164-00100
O Consultant
I Kihaguru Njenga Gathura
M kihaguru.gath...@gmail.com
B +254 7 0697 0697
N OpenBSD consulting. Speciality in web applications development with
OpenBSD-httpd web server, PostgreSQL DBMS, FastCGI protocol and C
programming language.

On Sat, Jan 6, 2024 at 5:44 PM Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de> wrote:

> Hello once more,
> Ingo Schwarze wrote on Sat, Jan 06, 2024 at 03:16:49PM +0100:
> > Kihaguru Gathura <pqscr...@gmail.com> wrote
> > on Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 03:53:21PM +0300:
> >> 0
> >> C Kenya
> >> P
> >> T Nairobi
> >> Z P.O. Box 30164-00100
> >> O IFINAX Ltd
> >> I Kihaguru Njenga Gathura
> >> A Bishops Road
> >> M info@ifinax. <i...@pqscript.com>net
> > As far as i can see, this is the only line you want to change,
> > but the new version of the line is malformed: it must not contain
> > angle brackets.
> >
> > It is not clear to me whether you want
> >
> >   M i...@ifinax.net
> >
> > or
> >
> >   M i...@pqscript.com
> >
> > or even something else?
> Apart from the HTTP issues reported earlier, i see issues with your SMTP
> configuration as well:
>    $ date
>   Sat Jan  6 15:21:00 CET 2024
>    $ host -t any pqscript.com
>   Host pqscript.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
> This is not good because a domain must have at least SOA and MX records
> to be usable for SMTP.
>    $ host -t soa ifinax.net
>   ifinax.net has SOA record ns1.safaricombusiness.co.ke. \
>   EnterpriseISPSystems.Safaricom.co.ke. 2023121202 3600 1800 1209600 86400
>    $ host -t mx ifinax.net ns1.safaricombusiness.co.ke
>   Using domain server:
>   Name: ns1.safaricombusiness.co.ke
>   Address:
>   Aliases:
>   ifinax.net mail is handled by 0 rat-03.safaricombusiness.co.ke.
>   ifinax.net mail is handled by 0 rat-04.safaricombusiness.co.ke.
>   ifinax.net mail is handled by 0 rat-01.safaricombusiness.co.ke.
>   ifinax.net mail is handled by 0 rat-02.safaricombusiness.co.ke.
>    $ telnet rat-03.safaricombusiness.co.ke smtp
>   Trying
>   Connected to rat-03.safaricombusiness.co.ke.
>   Escape character is '^]'.
>   220 thk-tes-rat05.safaricombusiness.co.ke ESMTP
>   MAIL From:<schwa...@mandoc.bsd.lv>
>   250 sender <schwa...@mandoc.bsd.lv> ok
>   RCPT To:<i...@ifinax.net>
>   550 #5.1.0 Address rejected.
>   QUIT
>   221 thk-tes-rat05.safaricombusiness.co.ke
>   Connection closed by foreign host.
> The identical problem occurs when i relay the mail via the official
> outgoing mailserver of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology:
>   Reporting-MTA: dns; smarthost.kit.edu
>   Action: failed
>   Final-Recipient: rfc822;i...@ifinax.net
>   Status: 5.0.0
>   Remote-MTA: dns; rat-02.safaricombusiness.co.ke
>   Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected.
> So please fix your mail server first, and then tell me which email
> address you want listed after that.
> Yours,
>   Ingo
> >> U
> >
> > While we are sorting this out, can we please also add a working
> > WWW URI?  I mean, a "Ltd" company almost certainly has a website
> > nowadays, and listing that would be very helpful for users.
> >
> > However, this does not look good:
> >
> >    $ date
> >   Sat Jan  6 15:01:57 CET 2024
> >    $ printf "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" | nc ifinax.net http
> >   HTTP/1.0 302 Found
> >   Connection: close
> >   Content-Length: 486
> >   Content-Type: text/html
> >   Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2024 14:02:15 GMT
> >   Location: https://ifinax.com/
> >   Server: OpenBSD httpd
> >
> >   <!DOCTYPE html>
> >   [ ... snip ... ]
> >
> >    $ printf "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" | nc -cvD ifinax.com https
> >   Connection to ifinax.com ( 443 port [tcp/https]
> succeeded!
> >   TLS handshake negotiated TLSv1.3/TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 with host
> ifinax.com
> >   Peer name: ifinax.com
> >   Subject: /CN=ifinax.com
> >   Issuer: /C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=R3
> >   Valid From: Fri Nov  3 08:43:56 2023
> >   Valid Until: Thu Feb  1 08:43:55 2024
> >   Cert Hash:
> SHA256:aa6ea558a0d1e76067225762f3dbd8982cf5cbc73f1c66b9cc47111db05f65b0
> >   OCSP URL: http://r3.o.lencr.org
> >    $ echo $?
> >   0
> >
> > It appears the TLS TCP connection to the https port works, but then
> > the web server immediately closes the connection instead of waiting
> > for HTTP requests.
> >
> > Can you fix the server such that we can add
> >
> >   U https://ifinax.com/
> >
> > or should a different URI be listed?
> >
> > Until these issues are worked out, i refrain from touching the existing
> > entry for Kihaguru Njenga Gathura, for now.
> >
> >> B +254 7 0697 0697
> >> X
> >> N OpenBSD consulting. Speciality in web applications
> >> development with OpenBSD-httpd web server, PostgreSQL DBMS, FastCGI
> >> protocol and C programming language.

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