Hi all - hope you guys are doing great.

I've been struggling to config WireGuard for a while (roadwarrior on my
end, VPN service subscription on server side). Mostly due to my own
limitations, really. Yesterday I finally managed to make it work, after
upgrading to 7.5 RELEASE, through a lot of trial and error. Main reference
on the setup was [1] and [2].

Setup that worked:

nameserver   # VPN server config

wgkey    $WG_MY_PRIV_KEY
wgpeer   $WG_PEER_PUBKEY
wgrtable 1
!route add -net default

join $MY_WIFI wpakey $MY_WIFI_PWD
rdomain 1

set skip on lo
block return
ext_if = "iwx0"
vpn_if = "wg0"
pass  in  on $ext_if from $ext_if:network rtable 1
pass  out on $ext_if from self
match out on $vpn_if from $ext_if:network to any nat-to $vpn_if
pass  out on $vpn_if

Then I decided to sysupgrade to SNAPSHOT, which is what I used to do in the
past, and the setup stopped working.

I tried using tcpdump to understand what is happening, and my guess is that
it has to do with DNS, but I couldn't figure out exactly...

I'm sure I'm missing a lot of details, if anyone can point me to the right
directions (eg, what to check, possible issues) that would be much
appreciated. I don't want to use wireguard-tools.

If additional info is needed please let me know.



[1] https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2021-10-09-openbsd-wireguard-exit.html
[2] https://blog.lambda.cx/posts/openbsd-wireguard-vpn-gateway/

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