I cannot understand why I am getting no output on com3 post-install of 7.5.

I connect to the USB-serial port, and I can see 7.5 boot of USB, and I can go 
through the install. No problem.

During install, I say "yes" to, do you want to default to com3.

But after the reboot, I see no output after "switching to com3".

Looking at the dmesg, com3 is definitley the right one:
# dmesg | fgrep com
acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee00000: PC-AT compat
com3 at acpi0 FUR0 addr 0xfedc9000/0x1000 irq 3: ns16550, no working fifo
com3: console

And, if I check, the installer has definitley made the required chanages:
# cat /mnt/etc/boot.conf                                                       
stty com3 115200
set tty com3

If I delete those lines from boot.conf (i.e. echo ''> /mnt/etc/boot.conf ), I 
can see the boot messages scroll by, but of course I cannot get the keyboard 
prompt for login.

Where am I going wrong ?

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