
On Sat, 27 Apr 2024 17:31:24 +0200,
"Nicolas Goy" <> wrote:
> How can I make it work with a single vmail unix user? Without losing the
> catchall?

I do have a bit more complicated setup.


   table local-emails   file:/etc/mail/local-emails
   table aliases        file:/etc/mail/aliases
   table domains        file:/etc/mail/domains
   table credentials    passwd:/etc/mail/credentials


   listen on egress inet4 port smtp tls pki \
          filter { admdscrub, "auth", dnsbl }

   action deliver_lmtp lmtp "/var/dovecot/lmtp" rcpt-to virtual <aliases>
   match from any for domain <domains> \
         ! rcpt-to <local-emails> action deliver_lmtp

so tables:

1. local-emails is a list of email which can be reached only inside mail
server. For example I like to have nice email for printer, but I don't like
when it start to recieve spam :)

2. credentials is shared with dovecot and has format:


thus, usually I use short version:


where password is hash which I get via smtpctl encryp.

3. domains is just a list of supported domains. I don't really need it here,
but keep it because it is re-used inside DKIM signature generator.

4. alisases, it is usual alliases plus each user from credentials should
have record like:                     vmail

to redirect his email to dovecot. No record here means user may send email
(auth on mail server) but never get anything back. And mail server says that
user do not exists which can be an issue for some servers.

wbr, Kirill

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