> I found a YouTube channel LowLevelLearning that covers various
> programming languages in a manner that I find particularly helpful and
> clear. For example comparing C and assembly on the same code is superb.
> In a short, he recommended valgrind to help finding memory leaks.
> Other than splint and gdb, what other software is useful for working
> with C?

pkg_add llvm and run "scan-build" on your code, then you get a quite
thorough analysis on what potential error code paths it detects, with
fancy webpages to go along with the explanations for each found issue:


It's not 100% perfect of course, but it still is a neat way to point
out where in the code you may need to make an extra effort to cover
corner cases.

> I also wouldn't mind any other useful tips that might not be software.
> Any help very appreciated.

Perhaps this fuzzing guide helps a bit getting programs to run better?

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.

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