Dear OpenBSD-Misc.

i have installed obsd 7.5 amd64. I wrote a small function and apparently,
obsd is not generating x64 bit code. I am very confused by the output os
file and nm program on my anci c code.

Here you have them:

etosha# file xdr_vopq.o
xdr_vopq.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1

That´s ok, the output above reports 64-bit, but when i run nm:

etosha# nm xdr_vopq.o
00000000 W __retguard_1176
00000000 W __retguard_3137
         U __xdri32
         U __xdropq
00000000 T __xdrvopq
00000070 T xdr_vopq
00000000 F xdr_vopq.c

Why the address showed are 32-bit. I simply cannot understand this.

Thanks a lot

The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the wolves do not perform
in the circus

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