On Thu, 30 May 2024 21:42:08 +0100, Jeff Penn wrote:

> I spotted the following issue, which is also present in FreeBSD.
> $ awk -V
> awk version 20240122
> $ awk 'BEGIN {split("A B C", ABC, " ");for (x in ABC) {print x}}'
> 2
> 3
> 1

This is not a bug.  An awk associative array is effectively a hash
table so when you iterate over it like this you are not guaranteed
to get things in any particular order.  In fact, our awk, mawk and
gawk all produce different output when given that snippet.

If you want consistent ordering you need to use the other form of
for() where you iterate over the array with keys in ascending (or
descending) order.

 - todd

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