On 2024-07-10, Marcus MERIGHI <mcmer-open...@tor.at> wrote:
> Hello Tom, 
> tom.sm...@wirelessconnect.eu (Tom Smyth), 2024.07.10 (Wed) 18:40 (CEST):
>> swap /var/log mfs rw,nosuid,noexec,nodev,-s=524288,-P=/persist-fs/var/log 0 0
>> mfs:97883 on /var/log type mfs (asynchronous, local, nodev, noexec,
>>       nosuid, size=524288 512-blocks)
> as you do not save the logs, why not syslog "to an in-memory buffer that may 
> be
> read using syslogc(8)" (text taken from syslog.conf(5)?
> I have everything commented out in syslog.conf(5), except for: 
>         *.*                                         :256:full
> And in rc.conf.local(8):
>         syslogd_flags=-s /var/run/syslogd.sock
> You can then read the logs with 
>         $ syslogc -f full

That can be useful, but there are some gotchas. For example you can't
use syslogc twice at the same time.

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