On Sat, Jul 13, 2024 at 02:09:20AM GMT, Gustavo Rios wrote:
> Hi folks!
> How to change my console resolution to 1920x1080 ? What is the command ?

It is my understanding that OpenBSD requires X for any practical, productive 
and meaningful terminal usage.

If you want non-English letters or -- God forbid! -- graphic/line-drawing 
characters in console, then don't be surprised if you're told that you're doing 
it wrong and that you should ssh into your system from some graphical 

In this regard OpenBSD is more "modern" than even Linux.

Rant aside: What I'd give if I could use my old HP ZR30w's attached to my 
workstations in high resolution unicode console mode... Not to mention my 
server consoles. And laptops! What a bliss...

As for your question the FAQ briefly describes some trickery that may or may 
not be applicable:






> Thanks.
> -- 
> The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the wolves do not perform
> in the circus

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