On Sat, Jul 13, 2024 at 08:48:56PM +1000, Paul W. Rankin wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m trying to get a basic URL rewrite working with httpd but, alas, it 
> seems broken.

It's not broken :-).

> My goal:
>       /~USER -> /htdocs/u/USER

root "/htdocs/u"
location match "/~(.*)" {
        request rewrite "/%1"

> To debug this, in case the “~” character was throwing something off, I 
> simply tried to achieve:
>       /u/USER -> /htdocs/u/USER

root "/htdocs/u"
location match "/u/(.*)" {
        request rewrite "/%1"

> I’m aware this can be achieved with request strip, but this is for 
> purposes of demonstrating the bug.

It's not a bug :-)

Try accessing specific files such as:


and it works.

You are probably expecting _auto indexing_, which doesn't happen for rewritten

Depending on your use case you might want to a couple of extra location match
directives such as this:

location match "/~(.*)/" {
        request rewrite "/%1/index.html"
location match "/~(.*)$" {
        request rewrite "/%1/index.html"

...which will redirect such requests to an index.html file.

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