> I don't really deserve OpenBSD, I get that, but there is a reason as to why
> Theo De Raadt and other folks are still active on mailing lists and respond to
> topics like these, everything else should click and make sense now, I don't
> know how much clearer I can get, low critical thinking is required to 
> understand
> what I wrote right now, and the only thing I can be wrong about here is that
> OpenBSD folks don't need new people (in general) who might even have greater
> potential than some of existing folks, to work on OpenBSD and related projects
> and I'd love to know why if that's the case.
> If that's not the case (I hope it's not), then I've already started my 
> payback,
> and hope to somewhat give back to the OpenBSD

Personally, I don't give a shit about anything you've said.

RTFM and stop crying on the list. That you are autistic is not, at
least on my part,
something that matters to me. If you're looking for help, at least be friendly
and stop pointing fingers at everyone else to try to
"fit into your world and your vision of it."

Don´t be a troll.

"Dios en su Cielo, todo bien en la Tierra"

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