In this specific case, I believe

$ alias doas='doas ' # Note the space

might have done the trick as well, for ksh at least. 


On July 29, 2024 7:30:57 PM GMT+02:00, Robert Palm <> 
>Thanks a lot for sharing all this great solutions!
>Am 29. Juli 2024, 17:37, um 17:37, Stuart Henderson 
><> schrieb:
>>On 2024-07-29, Robert Palm <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> wonder how I can get TAB completion in the shell when using doas ...
>>> Do I need to add something to .profile ?
>>pkg_add dmenu, then you can add this:
>>set -A complete_doas `dmenu_path`
>>(note it will not update automatically if a new program is installed;
>>either restart the shell, or re-run the 'set' command)

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