On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 04:30:50PM +0100, Marcel Prisi wrote:
> Claudio Jeker a icrit :
> >Normaly you prepend some AS to the smaller link to make the pathes comming
> >
> >from that link more or less equal length with the other one.
> >You may additionally classify the prefixes by communities but that only
> >works if your uplink provider is setting them with some useful value.
> >There are some other tricks like tagging the uplinks of your uplink
> >provider. But your right we need AS path regex support...
> >
> Wow ... is it possible for the 3.9 release ? I unfortunately had my last 
> C course some 6 years ago and did not practice much ... I wish I could 
> help.

Nope the 3.9 CDs are shipped in the next days unless someone comes up with
time travel it will be impossible. I hope it makes 4.0.

> As the AS-path length is already a test made somewhere in the way, I 
> suppose it is should not be too risky to add it ?

AS path regex support is different to checking the AS-path length.
The first one is complex the latter is simple.

> >>I may try using "prefixlen" insted ... would something like
> >>
> >>match prefixlen > 16 set localpref +10
> >>
> >
> >This will not make you happy. Prefixlen is not a good discriminator you
> >may select the worst path and end up with non optimal routing.
> >
> You are right, it is not a good discriminator, but I fear I have no 
> other choice now ?

As I said you should work with prepend-neighbor to make incomming AS path
of the less prefered provider longer. By makeing all aspath from the
neighbor longer you move more traffic to your primary link.
Normaly a set prepend-neighbor 1 is already enough.

> >One important thing about traffic engineering is to know your traffic.
> >
> Certainly, but this is a new install ... it will take some time :-)

:wq Claudio

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