
On Fri, 16 Aug 2024 19:29:58 -0400
Mike <the.li...@mgm51.com> wrote:
> It's me again... :)
> OK, working in OpenBSD [hostname] 7.6 GENERIC.MP#247 amd64
> I was able to get bsdauth to work successfully.
> So, now I have moved to looking at file auth.
> In man radiusd_file I see...
> ---
>      The module supports the following configuration key and value:
>      path path
>              The path for the file written in the syntax described in
>              npppd-users(5).
> ---
> So, in my radiusd.conf I place:
> ---
> module load file "/usr/libexec/radiusd/radiusd_file path
> /etc/radius/radiusd.users"
> ---

You needed to configure if you use the old syntax.

  module load file "/usr/libexec/radiusd/radiusd_file"
  module set file path "/etc/radiusd/radiusd.users"

But, I'll recommend you to use new syntax for 7.6 and after,

  module file {
    set path "/etc/radiusd/radiusd.users"

Now module path of /usr/libexec... can be omitted.

As an exmaple for users who want to use a local file,

For users who want to use radiusd for iked,

client {
        secret "SECRET"

module file {
    set path "/etc/npppd/npppd-users"
module eap2mschap

authentication-filter * by eap2mschap
authenticate * by file

> And I see ...
> ---
> # radiusd -d -f /etc/radius/radiusd.conf
> Failed to execute /usr/libexec/radiusd/radiusd_file path
> /etc/radius/radiusd.users: No such file or directory
> Could not load module `file': module didn't respond
> /etc/radius/radiusd.conf:28: module `file' is not found
> radiusd: config error
> [root@t05-openbsd76 /etc/radius] # ls -al /etc/radius/radiusd.users
> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  391 Aug 16 18:51 /etc/radius/radiusd.users
> ---
> Where have I gone astray?
> (suggestion, maybe provide an example in the radiusd_file man page to
> show how the syntax for the file path should be presented.)

Yes, I wrote an example in
But I'm exhausted at there :).  I'll update the man pages and examples
in few weeks.  Thanks,

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