On 9/7/24 11:03 AM, Rob Schmersel wrote:

Where can I find a description of the options I can set in fstab for nfs

They should be all described in the  "-o options" sections of mount(8)
and mount_nfs(8).  However it looks like the list for mount_nfs(8) isn't
complete (you can see them in /src/sbin/mount_nfs/mount_nfs.c).

Additional options include "bg", "conn", "dumbtimer", "intr", "nfsv3", "rdirplus", "mntudp", "resvport", "soft", "tcp", and "nfsv2".

Digging around a bit, https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=mount_nfs provides some info on their version of the flags, if that helps.


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